Automated optimization Under stable system loads, the software then automatically lowers fan* speed to the optimal setting, decreasing fan noise without compromising performance *Fans need to be connected to the following headers for AI Cooling control CPU_FAN / CPU_OPT / CHA_FAN / M2_FAN / H_AMP / RAD_FAN1811 · Klicken Sie auf AutoFan Stop, um den Lüfter bei sehr niedrigen Lüftergeschwindigkeit anzuhalten Klicken Sie auf Source , wählen Sie bis zu drei Wärmequellen, und die Lüftergeschwindigkeit ändert sich automatisch auf Grundlage der höchsten TemperaturCpu optional is tethered to the cpu pin so it runs at the same speeds as the cpu fan

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Cpu opt fan control
Cpu opt fan control-About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsThis program is for advanced users who know how to use it without doing harm to their macs The authors are

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· This is simple, straightforward CPU fan control specially designed for your Windows operating system It allows you to track the speed of the CPU fan along with three cabinet fans It shows the minimum and maximum recorded fan speed of the abovementioned CPU fan and three cabinet fans HW Monitor Like Open Hardware Monitor, you can save your results of the fan's · Works well controlling all other fans, just not the one connected to CPU OPT 3770k H110i GTX NZXT S340 Asus Sabertooth Z77 Corsair 16GB 1866MHz CL9 MSI Gaming 980Ti XFX 850W 840 PRO 256GB, 850 EVO 500GB, OCZ 1GBCPU_OPT header is for second fan of you CPU cooler The names of the fan headers will be printed on the motherboard (please refer to your motherboard manual) Ensure the fan cable is fully inserted into the header TIPS If your motherboard doesn't have enough fan headers, please try our PWM Sharing cable or PWM Fan Hub or PST fans;
· CPUFAN ist der normale und bei deinem Board regelbare Lüfteranschluss Dieser ist immer die erste Wahl CPU_OPT ist ein optionaler (Zusatz)Anschluss (daher der Name) der ggf nicht regelbar ist · One labelled CPU_fan, one as CPU_OPT and three more as Sys_Fan Even though all 5 headers are 4pin, from what I can tell, only the CPU_fan header is true PWM header The other 4 system headers probably can regulate fan rpm by varying voltage Can someone confirm this? · Fan controllers can control the speed of 3pin fans by changing the voltage to them and thus the speed, but motherboards only control via PWM (4pin) In addition, the two fans need to be plugged into the same type of fan header Your board likely has CPU_fan, OPT_fan, and CHA_fan headers that each have different speed profiles (usually adjustable in bios or with Asus Fan
· Mein cpu_opt kann ich doch nicht regeln Scheint aber unabhängig vom cpu_fan zu laufen Auf der Beschreibung von der Kühlung steht nur das sie an einen 3 Pin soll mehr nicht · Macs Fan Control Version 159 Updated April 15, 21 Download for Windows (90 MB) Download for macOS (7 MB) macOS 1013 High Sierra and later Downloads for older systems Mac OS X 107 Lion Mac OS X 1012 Sierra;0418 · LAPTOP FAN CONTROL There NEEDS to be a utility or BIOS update to ALLOW Fan control on Dell xps 15, at the very least to Allow it to go into high performance fan speeds EARLIER Can be a simple control utilizing Dell approved specs I specifically need to increase my fan speed EARLIER (not exceeding dell specs) so that the computer will stay cool

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Asus cpu opt fan control Home \ Uncategorized \ asus cpu opt fan control · Because the OPT CPU Fan is meant for another CPU Fan, you need to run a 4 pin fan connector in order to regulate speed I tried the fan header with a 3 pin and a 4 pin fan, and the 4 pin can be regulated, but not the 3 pin Inconvenient yes, but the header is designed for a 4 pin CPU fan All the other headers can be regulated with 3 pin fans, but the CPU fan is a no go with 3 pins · According to the manual (p 38), which I'd suggest you thoroughly read, CPU_FAN and CPU_OPT share their control, and both have a maximum output of 12W each As the each of the fans will consume around 2W, it's up to you if you want to use CPU_FAN for both via Ycable or CPU_FAN and CPU_OPT I'd go with the solution without Ycable, because if one connetions fails, the other fan

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0611 · Ryzen 5900X CPU Temp & Fan Control ComputerBase Forum Forum Arbeitsspeicher, Mainboards und CPUs Mainboards und CPUs Probleme mit AMDCPU_FAN Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = 12V Pin 3 = Sense Pin 4 = Speed Control CPU_OPT and Sys_Fan Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = Speed Control · CPU OPT wird parallel zu CPU geregelt Schließt du den Hub an CPU OPT hast du keine Kontrolle über ihn und er wird immer 11 wie der CPU Lüfter gesteuert Schließe den Hub, wie gesagt, an einen

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· Speed fan controller and temp monitoring for MacBook Pro Unibody (Nvidia) for Windows under BootCamp It allows to control MacBook fans speeds depending on the CPU and GPU temperature ATTENTION This program is designed and tested only on MacBook Pro with NVIDIA GPU On newer MacBooks with ATI GPU the GPU temperature is not checkedHat der OPTFan Anschluss irgendwelche(sind zwei Anschlüsse, direkt nebeneinander) Also habe ihn jetzt erst mals auf CPUFan angeschlossen, wobei dann eine Warnung erschien, wo irgendwas stand, dass ich keinen OPTFan angeschlossen hätte Und beim Hochfahren kam auch eine Meldung "OPTFan Error" Ist das zu beachten?

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· If the BIOS method didn't work for you or seems too complicated, try going for some CPU fan control software The most popular option is SpeedFan It offers more control than a computer's BIOS settings, but you will need to turn off any fan settings in the BIOS before using SpeedFan to avoid conflictAnti Surge Support Enabled 123 37 Boot menu Bootup NumLock State OnLe CPU FAN va te servir à brancher le un ventirad par exemple, qui va régler sa vitesse en fonction de la température du CPU Le CPU OPT c'est une prise en plus pour des ventilateurs de façade par exemple, qui tourneront tous à la même vitesse Et le SYS FAN, c'est le bios qui va gérer la vitesse des FANs brancher sur ces prises là

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Level 1 karmicmonk 1 year ago I have that mobo and same qty of fans I used Ysplitters on CH_F 1, 2 and 3, i initially used that CPU_opt but same as you couldn't control them so just used splitters on all the controllable chassis fan plugs I use AI suite 3 to controll the fan speed curves, works great, fan power set based off CPU tempMost gaming motherboards are equipped with such CPU OPT for controlling the heat sink speed when you aren't using the PC for heavy load, you can reduce the fan speed so as to reduce the noise of your system Some heatsinks may pair with 2 fans or may have clips on both sidesSTEP 3 SET THE FAN CURVE ASUS Motherboard Option1 Fan

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24 · Ho cpu_fan pwm e cpu_opt 3 pin, ma da bios vengono visti e regolati assieme Avendo tutto il pc in silent mod, ho paura che collegando la pompa al cpu_opt me la faccia girare pianissimo, e non per esempio al 75%1712 · Determine what kind of CPU you have and what kind of connector (3pin, 4pin, etc) it uses The easiest way to control a cooling fan is from the BIOS Choose a fan type (DC or PWM), set a mode, and set a temperature threshold Speedfan is a popular thirdparty software option for controlling a CPU · Each header should support 34 fans without an issue Of course you would be controlling speed in groups this way All fans on a single header would be treated as a single speed group If you do use the CPUOPT header I'd plug the rear ran into it since it's closest to the CPU and could work in tandem with the CPU fan this way

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2311 · SpeedFan 452 Deutsch Mit der GratisSoftware SpeedFan steuern Sie die Geschwindigkeit Ihres CPULüftersCPU fan header, CPU OPT, and SYS fan header, if all of them are 4 pin fan headers, the motherboard, and in turn the BIOS and the OS, can control the fans' speed therefore, theoretically, you can connect the case fan or one of the case fans to the CPU OPT without a problem How to control fans on an asus laptop Ask Question Asked 10 months ago Right now, an unofficial2406 · This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows Rem0o/FanControlReleases

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· Auf CPUFan oder OPTFan?2210 · Zusätzlich bietet "Fan Control" die Möglichkeit, mehrere Temperaturquellen (CPU, GPU, Motherboard, Festplatten, "sensor" Datei) gleichzeitig anzuzeigen Der Nutzer sollHydro Series H100i v2 Fan at 0 RPM I think I connected something wrong I could use some help sorting this out This was my first attempt hooking an AiO liquid CPU cooler up myself Spent a few hours working on it My CPU is an Intel i750K My motherboard is a Gigabyte GAX99UD4 I connected the pump to the "CPU_OPT" connection

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Für die Temperatur und Speedlimits eingestellt hat In dem Menü Fan Control kann man dann jedem Sensor eine eigene Lüfterkurve und die entsprechenden Lüfter zuordnen · For this mobo, the CPU_OPT is going to mirror whatever RPM the CPU_FAN is at (it is BIOS controlled), so you will be controlling it indirectly with CPU_FAN via PWM If0121 · Smc Fan Control Discussion 66 Trulyspinach Smcamdprocessor Github Cpu opt fan speed control Cpu opt fan speed control

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· A CPU_FAN B CHA_FAN2 C OPT_FAN2 D CPU_OPT E CHA_FAN3 F OPT_FAN3 G CHA_FAN1 H OPT_FAN1 Which connector should the water block go to and which for the 2 radiator fans?Msi Z390A Pro OnlineAnleitung Cpu_Fan1, Pump_Fan1, Sys_Fan1~5 Fan Connectors Fan Connectors Can Be Classified As Pwm (Pulse Width Modulation) Mode Or Dc Mode Pwm Mode Fan Connectors Provide Constant 12V Output And Adjust Fan Speed With Speed Control Signal Dc Mode Fan Connectors · cpu_fan = ist eben jenes, eben der lüfter des cpukühlers der opt ist der zweite mit dem gleichen ausgangssignal wie der cpu_fan, um ggf sachen ala caselüfter nach der cputemperatur zu steuern, auch wenn da svöllig unsinnig ist

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As others have said CPU fan is for the fan mounted on the CPU heatsink It can be very important to use this for the CPU as it will allow throttling of the fan based on heat generated by the CPU On all new systems I have seen except a few tiny form factor types that use passive cooling if a fan is not connected, the system will not bootConnect one fan to CPU Fan 1 and the other to CPU Fan 2 / OPT Four Radiator Fans via YSplitters Connect one adapter to CPU Fan 1 and the other adapter to CPU Fan 2 PUMP Its recommended that the pump be connected to an alternative fan header on the motherboard such as System Fan 1, Chassis_Fan 1, or for newer motherboards a dedicated pump header Please · This feature gives you direct control over your CPU cooler's fan With the Easy Mode, you can configure this feature with ease You can also set the speeds of your fans to correlate with your CPU's temperature Just keep in mind that you don't want to set a threshold that is too high, as doing so could prevent your CPU from getting the airflow it needs to operature correctly If

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Mac OS X 106 Snow Leopard;You can also easily access settings for fan CPU speed control (under the "smartfan" section), and set the RPM (Revolutions per Minute) of the CPU fans You can even set a timer of on/off if your motherboard is equipped with the NorthBridge cooling fan There are also two modes Easy and Advanced It's best to stick to easy mode first of all and then move to advanced mode whenSome newer laptops have BIOS fan control in place which will override the OS level fan control To test if this the case, run i8kmon with verbose mode in a command line, make sure the CPU is idle, then see if the fan is turned off or turned down accordingly If the BIOS fan control is in place, you can try using dellbiosfancontrolgit AUR

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121 CPU QFan Control Enabled CPU Fan Speed Low Limit 600 RPM CPU Fan Profile Standard Chassis 1/2/3/4 QFan Control Enabled 122 Chassis 1/2/3/4 Fan Speed Low Limit 600 RPM Chassis 1/2/3/4 Fan Profile Standard CPU Voltage, 33V Voltage, 5V Voltage, 12V Voltage; · The main reason for having this application is to control the CPU fan, which can help you cope with overclocking a CPU It provides a couple of temperature values in order to show you whether fan speed should be increased, mainly to protect the lifetime of your CPU and other components You can ASUS Fan Xpert to find a good balance between CPU speed if you're overclocking and fan · FanControl is a highlycustomizable portable Open Source GPU and CPU fan management utility Control almost every aspect of your machine's fans through an easytoconfigure and use interface that offers a variety of features that will help keep your machine's GPU and CPU fans running at optimal speeds while providing you with up to date details on their

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