Answer to Solve the given initial value problems a) (e^xy) \,dx (2xye^y)\,dy = 0;(e y1)2 e−dx (e x1)3 e− dy =0 6 ¡ y −yx2 ¢ dy dx =(y 1)2 7 dy dx =sinx ¡ cos2y −cos2 y ¢ 8 x p 1−y2 dx = dy 9 (e xe−) dy dx = y2 (21) ds dr = ks, 1 s ds = kdr, Z 1 s ds = k Z dr, lns = krc 1, s = ekrc 1 s = ekrec 1 = c 2ekr, (c 2 = ec 1), s = ±c 2ekr, s = cekr, (c = ±c 2) (22) dp dt = p−p2, 1 p−p2 dp = dt, Z 1 p−p2 dp = Z dt, Z 1 p−p2 dpAsk a Question Solve the differential equation 3e^x tan y dx (2 e^x)sec^2 y dy = 0, given that when x = 0, y = pi/4 ← Prev Question Next Question → 1 vote 50k views

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