As well as is a multiword preposition which means 'in addition to' She has invited Jill as well as Kate Do I need a comma before as? Peter as well as his friend is innocent Animals as well as plants need food to survive The cow as well as the goat gives us milk Elephants are found in India as well as in Africa What is the use of as well as?Both are grammatical, but mean different things In other cases, a comma before "as well" would result in nonsense For example "He played guitar at least as well as he played drums" With a comma before "as well", this no longer makes sense As a rule of thumb, a comma is more likely to make sense when you're using "as well" to mean something like "in addition", and less likely to

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As well as punctuation comma
As well as punctuation comma- "Daniel plays chess as well as David, if not better" The original sentence structure is not incorrect, but to me this looks more natural than any of the other optionsNote added at 1 hr ( GMT)Obviously there isThe comma, is a punctuation mark that appears in several variants in different languages It has the same shape as an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark (') in many typefaces, but it differs from them in being placed on the baseline of the text Some typefaces render it as a small line, slightly curved or straight but inclined from the vertical

Comma Or Semicolon Tips On Teaching Basic Punctuation
I'm almost with Chicago on this one I use "as well as" when a series joined by commas and "and" is likely to confuse readers It's not necessarily that the "as well as" item or items (since it can be used to introduce another series) is more important It's just that what's written become clearer if that list is broken upTo demonstrate this last point, Lewis Thomas, a clever essayist as well as a physician and poet, shows us how to use commas effectively—as well as how to word a long sentence so that commas are not overused—in this excerpt from "Notes on Punctuation" The commas are the most useful and usable of all the stops Sometimes, if the clauses are very short, commas can replace semicolons or coordinating conjunctions to achieve literary effect, as in the usual translation of Julius Caesar's famous "Veni, vidi, vici" "I came, I saw, I conquered"
Comma before "as well" I am peer reviewing someone's paper in my class and was wondering if this sentence needs a comma before they say "as well" at the end The sentence is, "This cartoon was proven successfully because one can almost taste the dirty air when viewing it, yet in a sad way we can still find humor in it as well" Serial Commas Your Side, My Side, and Their Side In business writing courses, people always take sides on the use of commas with series Known as the serial comma or the Oxford comma, this comma keeps us from running together items in a series He leads the symphonic band, the jazz band, and the orchestraThe phrase "as well as" means in "addition to" or "and also" in the context of the example that you have mentioned When "as well as" is used as a conjunction (ie in place of "and"), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase
English Grammar Today a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage Cambridge DictionaryNevertheless, using commas is a way for writers to control reading flow and to provide emphasis, which can often be appropriate with "too" when it means "also" or "as well" For example I passed the exam, too (The comma before "too" provides emphasis) She, too, is expected to pass the exam (The commas with "too" provide emphasis and a pause)As well as comma!

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You can use a comma before as well when you are ending the sentence with as well Commas are used to make sentences clearerUse commas between the clauses in a compound sentence unless they are very short and closely relatedDo not use commas with a compound predicate Use a comma before "including" and "such as" when followed by a nonrestrictive, nonessential phrase or clauseThe new policy applies to everyone, including faculty The correct punctuation for "As well as" Usually, you do not need to put a comma before "as well as" When you use a comma, you turn the subject of the sentence into an aside — something that is less important than everything else in the sentence This is where you need to use your best judgment As the speaker, you must decide whether the things connected with "as well as"

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As Well As Comma Grammarly Blog
Mistakes are inevitable in English grammar and sentence construction unless you memorize and follow all of the many rules in the English language One of the common mistakes is the proper use of commas before or after specific conjunctions, which are parts of speech used to coordinate words and phrases or connect clauses and sentencesConsidered in the middle of your sentence is that it leads the reader to expect a clause with a different verb after the comma These problems disappear if you start with ACTIVE This paper or dissertation or whatever considers the role Bob, as well as Jane, is here A lack of commas can indicate that the writer considers the second noun to be part of the subject, making it plural Commas, on the other hand, can indicate that the

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Comma Or Semicolon Tips On Teaching Basic Punctuation
Answer The phrase "as well as" means in "addition to" or "and also" in the context of the example that you have mentioned When "as well as" is used as a conjunction (ie in place of "and"), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase Moreover, it should always be used with a singular verb Commas Only use a comma to separate 'as well as' in a sentence if it is used as a nonrestrictive clause, or one that does not change the sentence's meaning if removed See the examples belowDo not use a comma when using a phrase like "as well as," in which the clause is essential and restrictive The new policy applies to faculty as well as staff Do not use commas after a man's name if he is a "Jr," "Sr" "II," "III," etc Wrong Dr Martin Luther King, Jr

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Like "including," these phrases may introduce either a restrictive or a nonrestrictive clause When they introduce an essential description necessary to the meaning of the sentence, the writer should not set the description apart with commas On the other hand, if these phrases begin an inessential description, commas must be usedIn many sentences, if there is no comma before as, then as means "in the way that" or "while" When you insert a comma before as, its How do you use a comma with as well as in a sentence?

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If you were to use "and" in place of this phrase (for instance, "We have carried out works for private individuals and property developers and carried out our own projects") it would not take a comma No, a comma is not needed after that particular "well" If "well" is at the beginning of a sentence, such as in "Well, I am going to go now" it does need a comma after it When the "as well as" phrase is between the subject and verb, it is called an "intervening element" and always takes commas around it Third, the words "as well as" can be a conjunction, when it means "in addition" or "and," though it is not punctuated the same way as "and" because it is not a coordinate conjunction

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This is mine and that is yours Although placing a comma before "that" in the structure above, the comma may be optionally placed before "and" instead A compound sentence often needs a comma before the coordinating conjunction, but it is otherwise omissible when the sentence is clear and short enoughRule 3 Use a semicolon to separate units of a series when one or more of the units contain commas Incorrect The conference has people who have come from Moscow, Idaho, Springfield, California, Alamo, Tennessee, and other places as well Note that with only commasAs well (as) meaning 'in addition' As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition'

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Adding the comma did not change the meaning of any words in the sentence except for one as In sentences with the structure of our example, if there is no comma before as, then as means "in the way that" or "while" When you insert a comma before as, its meaning changes to "because" So, the first sentence above, which containsCommas Commas and periods are the most frequently used punctuation marks Commas customarily indicate a brief pause;Commas Q I'm confused why there is a comma before "as well as" in CMOS 619 "The team fielded one Mazda, two Corvettes, and three Bugattis, as well as a battered Plymouth Belvedere" If "as well as" was replaced with "and," there would not be a comma

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People sometimes don't know the exact rules about when to use commas Many people are also unsure about the rules for the phrases "such as" and "as well as," which is why their use in professional writing should always be doublechecked Hi, If at the beginning of a sentence you would use a comma ( , ) after the phrase if used in the middle of a sentence and both sentences would stand alone it would include a semi colon before the phrase and comma after the phrase If only one sentence would stand alone you would use a comma before the phrase only In this context, "as well as" is a coordinate conjunction, combining two clauses into one sentence A good rule of thumb here is to substitute another coordinate conjunction you're more familiar with, such as "and";

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Is this usage of "as well as" and punctuation correct?Answer (1 of 5) You don't need a comma before "as well as" when it introduces words that are essential to the meaning of the entire sentence I like novels as well as short story books The Clean India movement applies to common citizens as well as politicians also The "as wellAlso, as well or too ?

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Punctuation "as well as" My question is if there is a comma in the following sentence sample I would greatly appreciate it if you refer me to a specific rule in an online punctuation guide, so that I can understand the punctuation logic better They may entertain their families and friends as well as a couple of unfamiliar peopleThey're not as final as periods Rule 1 Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items Example My estate goes to my husband, son, daughterinlaw, and nephew

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